Today every business wants to build their presence in the digital world. This has resulted in a rapid increase in the number of business websites and mobile applications.

However, before developing a website, the big question is whether to use Content Management System (CMS) or not for the development purpose. A CMS platform is a software which allows easy management of content and creating a website.

CMS helps in reducing the workload both for the business and the web design and development companies. CMS helps to publish and manage content from a server which is accessible to the users.

This is highly useful to the users as they can easily update the content on the website even without having knowledge of HTML or PHP. The users no longer need to depend on technical teams for uploading and management of their content or files.

What is a CMS (Content Management System)?

A CMS is a software which provides all the required tools for managing online content and users, it is a server-side software which helps in the creation and maintenance of websites.

The biggest advantage of having a CMS is that users are not required to have the extensive technical knowledge to develop and create websites or webpages or to edit the content when required.

It features an administration area that facilitates uploading and editing of content to the website or webpage. One can access the admin area through a web-browser which requires no client software installation.

WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. are some popular Content management system examples.

The two key features of CMS include user and group management which provides more security to the content writers whose content is uploaded on CMS.

It also offers the users flexibility to organize random data. Though there are several benefits of Content Management System, it has its share of disadvantages too.

Content Management System Advantages

  • Using a CMS can significantly improve the speed of developing a website. The time spent on development and deployment reduces considerably.
  • Several open-source CMSs are free to download and install. Hence it reduces the cost of development
  • Most CMS facilitates the implementation of important functionalities like forms, polls, quizzes, event calendars, etc. on the website or webpage. Without a CMS it would difficult to achieve these functionalities.
  • It is very user friendly, even people with little or no technical skills can easily create, update or modify content on the website or page.
  • Once the users have learned the basics of CMS and how to work on it, they will be able to handle the basic functions on their own, this will help reduce the costs of hiring an in-house technical team or outside technical assistance.
  • Most of the CMSs are very easy to maintain and update.
  • The users have complete control over the content, they can decide what should be accessible to the public and what should not. It offers an extended measure of security including methods to safely keep away the content from regular websites users.

Content Management System Disadvantages

  • There are some hidden implementation costs that are required for improvising the system as per the user’s requirements
  • Few CMSs like Joomla can put a load on your server resources
  • To work on a CMS one needs to operate on a really fast processor. CMS takes over the entire RAM space, making it difficult for users to multitask on the same system.
  • If the users are not inclined to learn the basics of operating a CMS, it would impact its efficiency.
  • If the user is unable to grasp the basics, he/she will have to hire experienced staff or outsource to a technical team which will increase the costs.
  • If the CMS is not maintained and updated regularly it could lead to several serious security vulnerabilities. Regular maintenance and updating of CMS are important.


If the content on your website requires frequent updating or changing, for example updating press releases regularly, adding information about upcoming events or news stories then working on a CMS would be highly beneficial.

If your content doesn’t require daily updating or more than once or twice a week, it would be more cost-effective to pay a developer to make the required changes rather than using a CMS.

If you own a small business that needs a limited number of pages in the website it is best to build a static website. However, if you are a large organization or multinational that has hundreds of web pages that need to be updated and changes frequently, moving to a CMS website is a better option.

GSM Marketing Agency offers affordable, attractive, and responsive web design services in Tucson.

We are dedicated to design and develop a website for you which can help drive more customers to your business.

Contact us to experience the best CMS website development services with assured positive results at affordable prices. You can get in touch with us at [email protected] or on 520 214-1694.